Skullbound SMP
Skullbound Plugin
Huge thanks to kpg_tb for making the main parts of the plugin!
When you join for the first time or are revived
You will receive 5-10 heads randomly
The amount of new heads you can craft is 20 - x (if x is the amount of heads you started with)
When revived, all your heads will be removed from other people's collections
When you die
A random head from your collection will drop
If you have 0 heads you will be banned
Players can be revived using a revive beacon 24 hours after they are banned
Head Abilities
Running /heads
will open up the heads GUI, which will allow you to apply abilities. Abilities have a 15 minute cooldown.
Ability 1: Positive Effects
The head owner will receive one of the following effects for 5 minutes:
Ability 2: Negative Effects
The head owner will receive one of the following effects for 5 minutes:
Mining Fatigue
Bad Luck
Ability 3: Lifesteal
The head owner will lose a heart if above 5 hearts, and the player will gain a heart if below 15 hearts. This ability is permanent.
Custom Heads
Custom heads are heads that can only be obtained by winning events. When they are in your collection, you will gain certain abilities.
Vein Head
Allows you to mine whole veins and trees instantly
Durability goes down 1.5 times as much
Fire Head
Gives you permanent fire aspect 2
Immune to fire damage
Gives strength 2 when on fire
Gives weakness in water
Warp Head
Allows you to teleport where you are looking, up to 60 blocks (1 minute cooldown)
Allows you to stare at enderman and they won't get angry
You take damage in water and when rain touches you
Gravity Head
Gives you permanent jump boost 1
Gives you slow falling while holding shift
Makes you take double fall damage
Water Head
Infinite dolphin's grace
Allows you to breathe underwater
Gives glowing when on fire
Makes you take double fire damage
Withdrawing Heads
Running /withdraw <player> [<amount>]
will withdraw the amount of that player's heads. If left blank, it will withdraw one head.
Head items cannot be put in storage containers.
Netherite Armor + Sword
You cannot craft netherite armor or netherite swords
Netherite armor + swords is removed from the loot tables
Evokers drop totem fragments instead of totems
Totem fragments can be crafted into totems
Apply for Skullbound SMP
To apply for the Skullbound SMP, you will need to join our discord server and submit your application in the #apply channel.
Application Video
As part of your application, you will need to submit an application video. Your application video should be 30-90 seconds explaining who you are, why you want to join the SMP, and why we should accept you.
While talking about certain things, please include clips of you doing that thing. For example, if you are a good PvPer and you mention that, please include a clip while talking about it, or if you are a builder, please edit a screenshot of one of your builds on the video.
If you have replay mod, try to use it at least once in your application video.
If you have made a decent amount of SMP videos, please DM Aurify or Mesure on Discord about this and provide a channel link. The main point of application videos is to see what you can do, and if you have enough videos and we tell you, please submit your application but replace the video link with your channel link.
Tips for Applying
Try to make your application video as high quality as you can. (At least 1080p 60 fps is recommended - but go higher if you can!)
If you are a builder, do not try to claim that a build you found on the internet is yours. We reverse search all images that are sent in the application ticket.
Try not to make your videos serious - be yourself! We want to see your personality (and we will be in a good mood if you make us laugh!)
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